Women's Basketball - Scouting Report (2023-2024)
Eastern Wash. Eagles at Weber St. Wildcats on 02-17

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      Biggest RPI Pops       Biggest RPI Drops       Real Time RPIs
Eastern Wash. (53) at Weber St. (322)
Record 27-6 7-25
Conf Record 20-2 5-15
Home Record 14 - 2 4 - 8
Netural Record 0 - 1 0 - 0
Road Record 13 - 3 3 - 17
Power Rating 0.7226 0.448
Power Rating RANK 53 322
SOS 0.4591 0.4753
SOS RANK 297 236
Average points per game 67.82 56.91
Average points give up per game 57.12 67.25

RealTimeRPI GAMER - Game Prediction Analysis

GAMER Score Prediction: Eastern Wash. 67Weber St. 57
GAMER Likely Score Range (68% chance):56 ~ 7843 ~ 71
GAMER Winning Probability:66.3%33.7 %
GAMER Winning Odds:2.0 to 11 to 2.0

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